Module Specifications and Operating Guidelines

Module Specifications

General Specifications
  1. All modules must meet NRail specifications as to construction and track placement.
  2. Modules having non-standard track placement may be installed and operated as a unit only providing that the owner provides suitable transition from standard modules.
  3. For DC operations, the club will furnish DC MRC analog throttles. The club has a tray upon which these sit, supported by 3 red stanchions. Each will have a wiring harness allowing it to be connected into any electrical block. This equipment contained in a clearly marked container and remains the separate property of the club.
  4. For DCC operations, the club will provide a command station plus booster, and any other equipment that enables wireless communication. Digitrax is the club standard for DCC and will provide LocoNet wiring and plug-in devices dispersed around the perimeter of the layout.
  5. Additional throttles may be used to control diorama tracks; however, they do not satisfy the above requirement for provision of a throttle.
NTRAK Specifications
  1. MVNS supports NTRAK Red, Yellow, and Blue main lines. Modules may have any of the other lines specified in the NTRAK manuals, but owners cannot count on being able to connect these with adjoining modules.
  2. Modules must include two "C" clamps, and three Atlas 5" connecting tracks.
  3. MVNS standard is for a sky board having a height of 14" above the surface of the module. The club standard paint color is Sherwin Williams Universe Blue. The front as well as the back of the sky board shall be painted this color.
  4. Insulating gaps in the three main lines should be made by using insulated rail joiners on the Atlas connecting tracks, and not by cutting gaps in the main line rails within a module.
  5. The club will provide skirting for all modules at club sanctioned events.
  6. NTRAK module standards are to be 24" wide by 48" long, with 6" optional extensions on the front or back or both.
  7. It is a club module standard that a power strip be attached under each module with a cord long enough to reach the power strip on the adjoining module. The power strip should be at the left end of the module and the plug at the right end. An extension cord may be used to connect power strips if the module cannot accomodate a power strip of its own.
  8. MVNS standard is that auxilliary lighting be attached the the skyboard to illuminate the module surface. Two halogen or LED clip lights spaced evenly is recommended. They are plugged into the power strip which is mounted on the underside of the module.
  9. Use of the white line power bus for private track powering or accessories is discouraged when DC is the power source. DCC NTRAK standard for the white line accessory power is more liberal.

Exhibit Operating Guidelines

The following rules shall apply for operation at shows and at club operating sessions:

Setup, Tear Down, and Storage
  1. All members are to assist in preparation and transportation of modules and ancillary equipment to and from shows, including the setting up before and after shows.
  2. Each module or set of modules shall have any equipment not permanently attached to the module, stored in a tub labelled for the name of that module/owner. Individual items from these tubs should also be labelled for that module. This includes connecting tracks, "C" clamps, sky board clip lights, containers for bolts, and so on.
  3. During setup, care should be taken to place bolts back in their brackets or in containers stored in module tubs. This way they will not be misplaced. They must be easily located for tear down at the end of the show.
  4. Following the setting up, all carrying cases, boxes, and other personal property shall be stored in an out-of-the-way area.
  5. During tear down, all items on a module must be returned to the storage tub assigned to and labelled for that module. This refers to connecting tracks "C" clamps, sky board clip lights, rolling stock, bolts, power strips, and all other such items.
Running Trains
  1. No person shall leave the area with his train running, sidetracked, or their duty assignment unless he has arranged with another operator to watch it.
  2. No person shall set up, take down, or operate his trains on the diorama trackage of another without permission of the module owner.
  3. All members are recommended to take scheduled shifts tending the throttle block controls at shows.
  4. Visitors and guests may operate on the club layout subject to the above restrictions under the guidance of the club host.
  5. Modules may not be removed temporarily from the club layout, or removed early from a show layout, unless provision is made by their owner to make a substitution for them, either by installation of a "bridge", or of another module.
  6. MVNS operating standard is for right-hand running. Red line goes from left to right. Yellow line runs from right to left. The Blue line is free to operate in any direction desired by the operators on that line.
  7. There should be a minimum of one train running on at least two of the three lines at all times. Exceptions to this rule occur only to clear a line involved in derailments, crossing traffic, or removing "bad order cars" from modules. If there are three lines then at least one should be a passenger train. If there are two lines then one passenger train should alternate with a freight train if possible.
  8. Bad order cars explanation and rules concerning same:
    1. Three or more derailments
    2. Three or more unplanned uncouplings
    3. Such cars must be immediately removed from operating lines and not returned to operation until the malfunction has been remedied.
  9. Faulty engine performance requires that the engine be immediately removed from operation, the situation corrected, and tested prior to returning to service.
  10. All engine testing or maintenance shall be done on a test track or yard track, not on the layout’s three main lines.
  11. MVNS does not allow DCC programming on the main. Use a dedicated programming track.
  12. All set-up and tear-down of trains is to be done in the yard area, not on the main lines if at all possible. Exception to this is when balloon modules are incorporated in the layout, where the Blue line is the setup area.
  13. All parts of the layout in public view is to be kept neat, clean, and free of foreign objects such as: paper cups, candy wrappers, ash trays, soda cans, bottles, and model stock storage containers.
  14. DCC operations -- prior to removing a train from the layout, the operator should remove locomotive addresses from consists, and then dispatch all locomotive addresses.
  15. Running etiquette:
    1. Expect to run your train for approximately 45 minutes to an hour before pulling into the yard and letting someone else have an opportunity.
    2. If your train is in the yard and you do not intend to run within the next 30-60 minutes, please remove your train as yard space is limited.
    3. If you plan on running a train of significant length, perform a "test lap" with only a few cars before bringing your entire train onto the layout. Many operating issues can be observed within the first lap or two.